The Site

Located to the west of Winchelsea Road, on the southern side of the River Brede, the site comprises an irregular shaped 1.57 hectare parcel of land.

The site is currently occupied by an estate of industrial and warehouse units, surrounded by hard standing areas for parking and servicing.

The main access for vehicles/pedestrians from Winchelsea Road is in the north-east corner of the site, with an additional established vehicle access on the north-west boundary.

Rye Neighbourhood Plan Policy H6 – Winchelsea Road West allocates the sites for residential and employment development with at least 20 homes.

All development sites bring a range of opportunities and constraints. We have been mindful of the particular characteristics of this site as we have developed our plans.



Underused, brownfield site within a predominantly residential
area at an accessible location

Site geography, bound by the Winchelsea Road and the
High Weald AONB

Existing accesses from Winchelsea Road

Need to protect existing trees, and provide as much new
landscaping as possible

Land allocated for residential and employment uses

Need to provide an acceptable level of parking, while being
mindful of public transport connections

Opportunities to significantly improve biodiversity

Need to manage flood risk, given proximity to the river

Views to the south and southwest across the Marsh

Need to avoid unacceptable visual impact on the local area,
including designated heritage assets

Chance to improve the site’s overall appearance

We are excited to outline our proposals for a multi-million-pound investment in Rye that would create a significant number of new jobs locally, with further job opportunities during construction and through the developments themselves. 

Key features of the proposal include: 

  • Comprehensive redevelopment of a brownfield site, in line with the council’s aspirations and preserving important green spaces.  
  • A £5m Aldi food store: providing high quality, affordable food within walking distance of the town centre 
  • McCarthy Stone retirement living homes, meeting the needs of older people’s housing, increasing spending in the local economy and reducing the pressure on the NHS, social care and family housing 
  • High quality, sensitively-designed new homes from Decimus Property  
  • New jobs through construction, management and repairs  
  • Ample car parking and attractive landscaping around the site to improve its appearance 
  • Sustainability measures including solar panels and air source heat pumps